Nicht mehr benötigte Abhängigkeiten löschen
Mit Hilfe der -s Option von portmaster können installierte Ports gelöscht werden welche als eine Abhängigkeit installiert wurden jedoch aktuell nicht mehr benötigt werden:
# portmaster -s Information for sdocbook-xml-1.1,1: Comment: "Simplified" DocBook XML DTD Description: The "Simplified" DocBook XML DTD is a small subset of the DocBook XML DTD. WWW: ===>>> sdocbook-xml-1.1,1 is no longer depended on, delete? y/n [n] y ===>>> Delete old and new distfiles for textproc/sdocbook-xml without prompting? y/n [n] y ===>>> Deleting stale distfile: docbook-xsl-1.75.2.tar.bz2 ===>>> Deleting stale distfile: docbook-xsl-doc-1.75.2.tar.bz2 ===>>> Running pkg_delete -f sdocbook-xml-1.1,1 xmlcatmgr: enabling compatibility mode; removing ALL matching entries xmlcatmgr: enabling compatibility mode; removing ALL matching entries Information for compat5x-i386- Comment: A convenience package to install the compat5x libraries Description: This package allows you to install the compat5x libraries on your system, so you can use legacy binaries that depend on them. Ports usage example: -- .include <> .if ${OSVERSION} >= 600000 LIB_DEPENDS+= c.5:${PORTSDIR}/misc/compat5x .endif -- ===>>> compat5x-i386- is no longer depended on, delete? y/n [n] y ===>>> Delete old and new distfiles for misc/compat5x without prompting? y/n [n] y ===>>> Running pkg_delete -f compat5x-i386- Information for localedata-5.4: Comment: Legacy locale data for FreeBSD 6+ Description: This package provides compatibility locale data for FreeBSD 6.x to run 4.x/5.x binaries. When you have a trouble with locale at running a legacy binary, you should guide them to find legacy locale data with setting PATH_LOCALE environment variable. env PATH_LOCALE=/usr/local/share/compat/locale command ===>>> localedata-5.4 is no longer depended on, delete? y/n [n] y ===>>> Delete old and new distfiles for misc/localedata without prompting? y/n [n] y ===>>> Running pkg_delete -f localedata-5.4 [...]
Mehr Informationen zu portmaster findet man in der Manpage portmaster(8).
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